Amy Andersen
Amy Andersen first came to Lander as a NOLS Spring Semester in the Rockies student over 30 years ago. After defending her honors thesis at Macalester College (BA Philosophy, minor in Art) in the Twin Cities, she packed up her dog and camping gear and drove west. And never left! Since then, she has worn a variety of different hats in the community. For NOLS she has worked as an instructor, an evacuation coordinator, a cook, and a coordinator in the Alumni/Development department. From a long line of ‘book-a-holics,’ she was in heaven as a children’s librarian at the Lander Public Library. She also logged many hours at The Booke Shoppe (RIP) as a clerk and an old-school, pencil-pushing bookkeeper. Her Minnesota roots and family were never too far away. She stayed in touch via board service on two family foundations based in the Twin Cities. A mom of two great (and now grown) kids, she volunteered to support their various activities through the years and also helped out in the Lander Schools with PALS, PIE and as a literacy tutor. Married to Tim Wilson, her partner in crime (and many other memorable adventures) for almost as long as she’s been in Lander, she is an avid reader, hiker and an accidental fiber artist. As a Lander Womentum Almuna from the inaugural cohort, she is thrilled to now be a part of the leadership team, where she has the opportunity to get to know and engage with so many amazing women in the community.