Make a Difference
As an incorporated 501(c)(3) we rely on individual, foundation, and other business or organization contributions to sustain our programs and provide financial assistance to prospective participants. Every donation made to Lander Womentum is tax-deductible.
If you are inclined and able there are several ways that you can donate. We sincerely thank you for your support
Donate online through Challenge For Charities (Preferred May 1st - July 10th)
Send us a check made out to:
Lander Womentum Donation
c/o Sarah Hamlin, Treasurer
P.O. Box 862
Lander, WY 82520
Womentum 2022 Giving Opportunities
Support Our Work. Below are some specific needs that we have identified so that you can make sure that your support goes to things you care about most.
Community Workshop (financial planning, estate planning, and other topics to be determined) Fundraising goal $5000.
Web Site – Help us keep our website current and fresh - Fundraising goal $200
Co-sponsor opportunity $500. Please contact us if you want to be a lead sponsor
Sponsor a Womentum participant - Fundraising goal $300 - $100/participant
Gift Designation - You can specify how we use your financial support.